NOTE: If you are cooking a crock pot recipe found below, please note newer crock pots cook a bit differently than old crock pots. Please click here for exact details.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bill's Low-Carb Lasagna

This recipe is specifically for Bill, as Tenley would prefer Becky to avoid dairy products. However, Bill loves it and it keeps him away from Becky's dairy-free food. :)

I am intentionally leaving the exact measurements of the ingredients flexible as you can make this in any size dish (I use those foil lasagna dishes so I can just pop it in the freezer afterwards). The directions are always the same, however, and if you have extra ingredients you can just make yourself another lasagna. If you have "too few" ingredients, you'll just end up with a "thin" lasagna, but that's ok too!

Large jar of pasta sauce
1 or 2 bags of turkey pepperoni (Hormel makes it). If you cannot find turkey pepperoni, regular pepperoni will do in a pinch.
1 or 2 bags of salami
1 or 2 eggplants cut into very slin rounds.
1-2 pounds ground beef
Large container of cottage cheese
A ton of shredded mozzarella cheese. We use 24 ounces or more.
Parmesan cheese
Italian seasoning
Garlic powder
If you can find it: 1-2 bags of Al Fresco Sweet Italian Style Sausage cut into very small chunks. If you cannot find it, just use 1/2-1 tablespoon of fennel seed instead (although it definitely tastes better with the sausage

1. Brown the ground beef. While you are browning it, add Italian seasoning and garlic powder to your liking. For 2 pounds of ground beef, I tend to add about 2-3 tablespoons of italian seasoning and about a teaspoon of garlic powder.
2. When the ground beef is almost browned, add the Al Fresco sausage. If you could not find it, add the fennel seeds. Finish browning the meat.
3. Pour some pasta sauce in the bottom of your lasagna dish so it just coats it.
4. The turkey pepperoni, salami, and eggplant will act as your layers (i.e. they are the "noodles" in a normal lasagna). You may layer them however you like (i.e. if you have more eggplant than pepperoni, have more eggplant layers), but each layer should be placed in the following order:

layer (a layer should consist of the same ingredient. Thus, you should have some eggplant layers, some pepperoni layers, etc.)
pasta sauce
ground beef
sprinkle of garlic powder
parmesean cheese
cottage cheese (just spoon blobs onto the lasagna then push them down a little bit. If you try to spread the cottage cheese you'll end up with a big mess)
mozzarella cheese (more than you think is necessary)

5. If you have any leftover pasta sauce after your layers are complete, pour it around the sides of the lasagna and shake the container so it fills in the gaps.
6. Cover the lasagna (putting aluminum foil over it is fine) and bake at 375 for 1 hour.
7. Place a piece of masking tape on the top of the container and write "Bill's Lasagna" and the date on it. After it cools a bit, toss it in the freezer.

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